jeudi 22 novembre 2012

Hello !!!

In recent years, we produce a part of our energy in our farm. On our rearing houses, we mounted, in 2003, 130m² of photovoltaic panels. The produced energy allows warming a part of our pigsty. Furthermore, a lagunage waste water filtration system was set up. Lagunage is a technique of treatment in free water process: all the waste water is sent to a water area, called lagoon, in which live bacteria, seaweeds, water plants. The followed plan allows to illustrate our installation and to understand it better.

Furthermore, we have for objective the installation of a wind turbine in a field, which would allow us to be autonomous in energy.Today, we wait for the financing :)

See you soon

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello Jean-Bertrand,

    I didn't know that you had your present farm 11 years ago I thought you had only just bought it??

    You can of course give a lot more detail of this system in your talk (without using any internet material).

    John Cowles

    ps. check how you use 'allow' = subject + allow + object + to + verb

    - your last example is correct.
