jeudi 22 novembre 2012

The Endive harvest:

        As every year we harvest Endive during November. But this year, it has rained a lot and the harvest came true later because our machinery could'nt get in the fields without getting stuck.

Since the sun shines, and allowed the lands to dry. We were able to collect our endives last week.


This harvest is realise in several stages : 

-  in a first time we cut the air part.

- in a second time we extract the root, clean it and we put them in a trailer. 

- to finish: when the trailer is full, we empty it at the end of the field.

Our machinery

  The Endive roots are rich in fiber (promotes intestinal transit and reduces cancer columbus). Nowadays it is used as a substitute in the food, but also as a natural sweetener that is to say, it has a sweetness as sugar beet.Our 8 hectares are for the candy firm of Warcoing. It picks up the silos from September to January. It requires root clean, low-cut, with no rot and root rich (> 16% inulin).

We are sorry if the specifics words aren't correct but it is not easy to find the corresponding terms for this crop. 



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